VP, Revenue Enablement
Teri is a highly experienced VP of Revenue Enablement having worked coast to coast & globally for various stage startups & enterprises. With over 16 years of leadership experience in Enablement, her passion for sales enablement in the disruptive tech space is evident in her track record of success. She has built and expanded enablement functions at three startups and one Enterprise, designed charters and methodologies aligned with GTM strategies, and launched multiple LMS and CMS tools to drive seller effectiveness. Teri takes pride in measuring the impact of the programs she launches and is confident that her skills and experience align perfectly with the requirements of this role
29 November 2023 16:10 - 16:30
2024: The 5 deadly sins of revenue productivity
Drawing from extensive experience, Teri sheds light on the profound impact of revenue enablement programs within organisations. Highlighting concrete examples of successfully launched initiatives underscoring the need for a strategic approach to revenue productivity. To drive this point home, these are the five "Deadly Sins" that organisations must avoid in 2024: 1. Mistaking Activity for Growth: The Illusion of Busyness - Don't fall into the trap of equating busy work with real, meaningful business growth. 2. Distracted by Shiny New Things: The Detour from Purpose - Stay focused on your core purpose and avoid the distractions of the latest shiny objects. 3. Reactive Strategy: Navigating the Storms Without a Map - Don't let your strategy be dictated by immediate challenges; proactivity is key to long-term success. 4. Preconceived Notions: Breaking Free from Old Thinking - Challenge your assumptions and embrace new ways of thinking to stay relevant in a rapidly changing world. 5. No Plan, No Gain: The Roadmap to Success - Success doesn't happen by chance. Without a well-defined plan, you risk making it up as you go along, leading to uncertain outcomes. It is imperative to not only make revenue enablement programs structured and scalable but also measurable and operationalised across the entire organisation while seamlessly integrating into the workflow of sellers.

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