Chief Commercial Officer
SkyUp Airlines
Lyudmyla is the Chief Commercial Officer at SkyUp Airlines. With a strategic mindset, she develops and executes commercial strategies that drive turnover and profitability. Her leadership doubled ancillary sales within a year, optimizing costs across operations and managing a vast network of flights. She oversees diverse teams, mentors staff, and collaborates with authorities and embassies. Lyudmyla's impact is seen in reports to governmental bodies, media, and shareholders, making her a driving force in SkyUp's success.
29 November 2023 16:30 - 16:50
Navigating your organisation through times of crisis
Join Lyudmyla, CRO of a Ukrainian airline company, SkyUp, that have been navigating wartime challenges. Learn these transferable strategies to navigate crises, drawing from real-world experiences: - Resilient leadership: discover traits that define effective crisis leadership and foster resilience within teams. - Adaptive strategies: explore quick strategic adaptation to ensure operations and growth during uncertainty. - Effective communication: learn transparent stakeholder communication to build trust and unity. - Employee support: nurture morale, productivity, and engagement during tough times. - Resource management: optimise resources and make crucial decisions for sustainability. - Innovation in adversity: embrace innovation for new opportunities amid challenges. - Ethical decision-making: navigate ethical dilemmas while upholding values. Gain insights into leading with resilience and adaptability, applicable across industries and crises. Learn from firsthand experiences and principles that guide organizations to endure, grow, and thrive.

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