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Chief Revenue Officer
Podcast Hawk
Stewart Townsend helps global B2B SaaS companies increase and accelerate revenue generation through indirect channels. Recently, Stewart has been supporting senior leaders with their AI adoption strategy. Stewart previously spent 12 years at Sun Microsystems and Oracle working within global channel roles before moving onto creating a global startup programme to find the next Google, before deciding to leave and take on his biggest challenge to date…. working for startups. He recently spent 5 years at Zendesk as Channel Director, building their indirect sales channel from zero to a multi-million dollar business unit before leaving to pursue his passion of working as an interim Channel Manager, to bridge the gap between making the first hire and having a strategy, program to execute against and validating that channel is a direction to invest in.

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Speaker enquiries: Email Jack or Will

Media partnership enquiries: Email Lily

Sponsorship enquiries: Email Stav

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